Now podcast episodes out now!

Terry Rice, terryrice.co

At ConvertKit’s recent Craft + Commerce event, Angel delivered one of the most meaningful and actionable keynotes I’ve ever heard! Through a combination of storytelling, step-by-step guidance and research-backed information she empowered attendees to make powerful changes in their personal and professional life. I was scrambling to take down notes so I could share them with my wife and larger network. If you have a chance to attend an event with Angel, do it, and let me know so I can see her on stage again! 

"Angel delivered one of the most meaningful and actionable keynotes I’ve ever heard!"

Speaking on a stage of any size is not only a profession of mine, but a passion! If there's alignment between your event and my brand, it would be my pleasure to bring a uniquely crafted, highly valuable talk to your attendees that plants the seed to transforming lives and/or business.

Speaking options

CHeck it oUT!

November 6, 2018

Brandon & Kayla Getting Married at Tahkenitch Lake


November 6, 2018

Brandon & Kayla Getting Married at Tahkenitch Lake



Growing in relationship with Jesus

Time Management and Productivity Strategies 

Mitigating Burnout in Life and Business

Authentic TikTok Content Mastery

Authentic Instagram Content Mastery

Email Marketing Mastery: Start, grow, nurture a list

 6-figure online business building

Speaking Topics

Prioritizing Mental Health as an entrepreneur

Building a successful faith-based business

Money management... God's way

Mental Health


Ridding of anxiety and worry...God's way

Developing confidence, dropping comparisons

Healthy financial planning w/out the stress

Overcoming "failure" as an entpreneur 

Overcoming identity issues and past trauma

Submit a request for me to speak at your next event

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Instagram, Tiktok, and LinkedIn as @angelmarieofficial

find me on Social!